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This piece represents the artist's commentary on global pollution and humanity's disregard for the well-being of the planet. It employs various visual elements to convey the message. 

The presence of angels above heralding a warning suggests a sense of impending doom or consequences resulting from human actions. This conveys the idea that there are global environmental challenges that need urgent attention. 

The depiction of urban sprawl on the right side symbolizes humanity's unchecked expansion and its impact on the environment. 

The central figure, symbolizes mankind's naivety, portrays a sense of ignorance or indifference to the dangers surrounding him. 

The presence of the polar bear waving a white flag of surrender, highlights the plight of endangered species 

The oil derricks suggest the exploitation of natural resources and the dependence on fossil fuels, which contribute to pollution and climate change.

The image of the ferris wheel, represents humanity's blindness to tis impact on the planet, and implies that society is engrossed in its own immediate desires or pleasures, oblivious to the long-term consequences of its actions.

Overall, this artwork aims at raising awareness about the pressing issue of global pollution and mankind's responsibility for the care of the planet. 

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