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"Gorillas in the Midst" is the artist's heartfelt response to the issue of police violence against black males in America. The central figure of the composite is a massive King Kong, symbolizing the perceived threat that black men are often unjustly associated with. On the televisions depicted below, the screens display the image of a black male, representing the profiling and targeting of this community by law enforcement. The police officers in the artwork are shown aiming their guns the figure, highlighting the use of excessive force and the dangers faced by black individuals in encounters with the police. 

The halo taped to the first policeman's helmet is a symbol that speaks to the perceived righteousness and immunity often afforded to law enforcement officers. This detail suggests a critique of the assumptions and biases that can influence police actions and perpetuate unjust treatment. 

On the right side of the piece, there is a reflection nof upper-middle-class life, portraying a world devoid of turmoil and comfortably indulging in leisure. This can imply a contrast between the privilege and obliviousness of certain  segments of society  in relation to the experiences of marginalized communities. 

On the left side of the artwork, the inclusion of the church and government reflects their significant influence in the lives of people of color. This may suggest a commentary on the role of these institutions in perpetuating or challenging systemic inequalities and social injustices. 

Overall, "Gorilla in the Midst" serves as a powerful visual statement addressing police violence, against black males and the social, racial, and systemic issues surrounding it. The artwork invites viewers to confront and reflect upon the unequal treatment and struggles faced by marginalized communities in contemporary society. 

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