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This artwork serves as a response to the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement, aiming to acknowledge and honor the contributions of African Americans to the United States. The artist seeks to highlight the labor, talents, and gifts that African Americans have brought and continue to bring to this country. 

In the artwork, there are two hands depicted. The hand in the background is shown shackled, symbolizing the labor of enslaved individuals who endured tremendous hardships and contributed to the building of the nation. This represents the historical injustices and struggles faced by African Americans throughout the history of the United States. 

The hand in the foreground is depicted as cuffed, representing the labor and contributions of African American businesses and entrepreneurs that add value to the country's economy. This symbolizes the ongoing g efforts of African Americans to overcome systemic barriers and succeed in various industries, despite facing significant challenges and inequalities. 

Through this artwork, the artist aims to shed light on the often overlooked or undervalued contributions of African Americans. it serves as reminder of the resilience, strength, and economic impact of the African American community throughout history and into the present day. 

By juxtaposing the shackled and cuffed hands, the artwork prompts viewers to reflect on the complex and intertwined narratives of oppression, progress, and empowerment. It encourages dialogue and understanding regarding the ongoing struggle for racial equality and social justice.

Ultimately, the artwork celebrates the endurance, creativity, and resilience of African Americans, recognizing their significant role in shaping the diverse and vibrant fabric of the United States. 

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