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The artist's rendition of the nativity scene is presented in a vibrant and simplified style, capturing the essence of this sacred event. Mary is depicted tenderly embracing baby Jesus, signifying the bond between mother and child. Above them, the heavens come alive with a multitude of angelic heralds, symbolizing the divine significance of the moment. 

The artist employs a minimalist approach to represent the shepherds, using a few simple lines and shapes to convey their presence. The illusion of sheep, represented by simple shapes, adds to the pastoral  atmosphere of the scene. 

A notable aspect of this artwork is the portrayal of Mary and baby Jesus as people of color. This intentional choice challenges the historically prevalent European depiction of the nativity scene, expanding the representation of diverse ethnicities and challenging traditional norms. 

The artwork is adorned with shapes and patterns creating a visually captivating use of space. These elements contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of the piece, enhancing its visual impact and invent viewers to explore its details. 

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