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This artwork represents the artist's second exploration of the theme of the Madonna and Child. In this rendition, the artist has created a more elaborate composition. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is depicted as a woman of color, challenging the traditional European presentation of her. Similarly, the baby Jesus is portrayed  as a child of color. By doing so, the artist seeks to challenge and expand the narrative surrounding this iconic scene. 

The representation of Mary as an ordinary woman of color, lacking glamour and status, is intended to emphasize her relatability and to depict her seamlessly blending in with other women of her community. This portrayal aims to highlight the universal nature of motherhood and the shared experiences of women from diverse backgrounds. 

The intricate and ornate background serves as a symbolic representation the miracle of the virgin birth and the manifestation of the Son of God. It adds depth and richness to the composition, enhancing the sacredness and significance of the scene. 

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