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 We will only accept orders for framed prints if the delivery is within the Dallas County metroplex area. 

This artwork focuses on a significant moment from the biblical story of Samson, specifically the scene where Samson, who had been blinded and imprisoned, discovers that his hair has regrown, signifying the return of his strength. The artist skillfully captures this moment by using a ray of light to illuminate Samson and breaking the darkness of what appears to be a dungeon. 

In an effort to challenge the Western concept of this biblical character, the artist presents Samson in an Afrocentric fashion. by doing so, the artist aims to bridge the gap between the historical Western portrayal of Samson and the representation of people of color. this reinterpretation provided an alternative perspective that invites viewers to reconsider their preconceived notions and encourages a more inclusive understanding of biblical characters across different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. 

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