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This artwork serves as a tribute to the black individuals who have tragically lost their lives in the pursuit of freedom or as victims of racial violence and injustice. It holds a significant place within the artist's Biblical series and Social Consciousness series. Within the Biblical series, this artwork represents the Christ Figure, standing alone against a patterned backdrop. A solitary drip mark symbolizes the wounds endued on behalf of humanity, wounds that ultimately led to his death. 

In the artist's Social Consciousness series , the same figure, now depicted with a contemporary hairstyle, represents the innocent black lives lost due to racial hatred. By incorporating this figure into the series, the artist draws attention to the ongoing struggle against racial injustice and highlights the continued violence faced by black individuals in modern society. 

Through his artwork, the artist aims to evoke a sense of remembrance, empathy, and awareness regarding the unjust and tragic loss of black lives. It serves as a visual representation the deep-rooted issues of racial inequality and violence that persist in contemporary times. 

By merging elements from the Biblical series and the Social Consciousness series, the artist underscores the timeless nature of these struggles, emphasizing the need for collective action and societal change. The artwork stands as a powerful reminder of the importance of acknowledging and confronting systemic racism and injustice in order to create a more equitable and just society. 

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